Intellinova® Parallel EN online system

Intellinova® Parallel EN is a powerhouse of functionality and performance, ideal for condition monitoring of industrial equipment with high availability demands.

Intellinova Compact

The high-performance Intellinova® Compact system is available in multiple versions, well suited for remote monitoring or industrial environments with groups of measuring points.

Intellinova Standard – a high-performance monitoring system

Intellinova® Standard is an online condition monitoring system where well-proven methods and modern technology meet to ensure the highest possible uptime of critical assets.

Intellinova Parallel MB

Intellinova® Parallel MB is a small and robust condition monitoring unit for parallel measurement on four channels, providing instant condition evaluation.


Safeguard your plant stoppers and other essential machines. The MG-4 is a stand-alone continuous monitoring unit, ideal for automatic surveillance of unmanned machines.

CMM System

CMM system is a permanently installed continuous condition monitoring system, consisting of transducers, converters, and combined display and control modules.